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The Therapist

Amy McCullough LMT, CCT, CHM

TN MT #9033

I began my journey into the natural ways of healing the body over 10 years ago. At the age of 21 I finally found the answers that I had been looking for. Our bodies are designed to self-heal if we put the proper "fuel" into them. With this I continued my quest and in 2005 I went to school in Phoenix, AZ for Colon-Hydrotherapy. With the twists and turns of life I ended up in Florida where I entered school for massage therapy. In the beginning the laws and Colon-Hydrotherapy drove me into massage, but once in school I found that it was my calling. I fell in love with massage and realized that this was just another piece to my puzzle for helping people overcome or prevent illness. This is my passion and I look forward to helping you on your journey to achieving a more Vibrant Life!